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We Specialize in Skin Rejuvenation & More!

As a premier destination for world-class beauty and wellness, Skinovatio Medical Spa provides a wide range of innovative aesthetic services for our valued clients throughout Chicago, IL, and surrounding areas, including Arlington Heights, Barrington, Ravenswood Manor, Gold Coast, Lincoln Park, and Western Springs, IL. Our clients always have easy access to our medical spa with multiple locations.

When you visit our relaxing and welcoming medical spa, you’ll experience quick, minimally-invasive, and virtually painless services requiring little to no downtime. From skin rejuvenation treatments to laser hair removal, we have something for everyone. Below, we’ve answered some of the most frequently asked questions we get from clients about our medical spa and the services we provide. Call us today to learn more!

What Is a Medical Spa?

The American Med Spa Association defines a medical spa as a hybrid between an aesthetic medical center and a day spa with four elements:

  • The provision of non-invasive (non-surgical) aesthetic medical services
  • Under the general supervision of a medical director
  • Treatments and services performed by trained, qualified practitioners
  • Onsite supervision by a licensed healthcare professional

Medical spa treatments and services are considered medical grade and must be staffed, performed, and overseen by experienced medical practitioners such as doctors and physician assistants. Medical spas use several different devices and technologies, such as lasers and cosmetic injectables, to treat various skin conditions.

How Do I Know if a Medical Spa Is Safe and Compliant?

At Skinovatio Medical Spa, we’re committed to providing you with the treatments and services you want while minimizing any risks you may experience due to negligent or unsafe practices. When it comes to knowing if a medical spa is safe and compliant, you must take your safety and well-being into your own hands and research the treatments you want. Here are three tips that can help you determine whether your medical spa is safe and compliant:

  • Ask to see the doctor
  • Make sure your practitioner is legally permitted to treat you
  • Do your research before your appointment

What Are Some Common Medical Spa Treatments?

Laser hair removal, dermal fillers, microblading, micro needling, laser tattoo removal, dermaplaning, CoolSculpting, body contouring, skin rejuvenation, and injectable cosmetic treatments are all common medical spa treatments, among many more.

How Does the Process Work When Visiting a Medical Spa?

When you visit a medical spa, you can expect to fill out some forms upon your arrival. You’ll be taken to a room for an initial consultation to discuss the treatments and services you’re interested in. During your consultation, your medical practitioner will explain the treatment and answer any questions you have. While some patients can receive treatment immediately following the consultation, others will need to schedule an appointment for the services.

How Much Downtime Is Needed After Treatment?

Most treatments offered by medical spas don’t require any downtime after the procedure. Most patients can return to work immediately following the treatment. However, each treatment has its own list of guidelines, and your medical practitioner can discuss them with you during your consultation.

Does Health Insurance Cover Treatments at a Medical Spa?

Because most medical spa treatments and services are elective, most insurance policies don’t cover them. However, most medical spas offer a variety of payment options and third-party financing for clients who need an additional payment option.

What if the Treatment Is Uncomfortable?

Being nervous about your treatment being painful or uncomfortable is common. You can have peace of mind knowing our highly trained aesthetic specialists and medical practitioners do everything they can to minimize any discomfort you may experience during the treatment. If you’re experiencing pain or discomfort at any time, you can let your medical practitioner know.

How Long Will I Peel from a Chemical Peel?

Results from chemical peels vary from person to person. Most clients peel anywhere between one to seven days for moderate peels, with the most peeling occurring on the third and fourth days following the treatment.

Does Microneedling Hurt?

The sensation associated with microneedling is similar to light sandpaper being moved across the skin. This non-invasive procedure typically takes between 15 and 45 minutes depending on the size of the area being treated, and we also apply a topical numbing agent to lessen the discomfort.

How Many Treatments Do I Need for Laser Hair Reduction?

We usually recommend clients receive anywhere between three to eight treatments, with the sessions being spaced out every four to 12 weeks, depending on the area you’re treating.

Can I Perform BOTOX® & Filler Injections? Is it Legal or Safe?

In order to administer BOTOX® injections, you must be a physician, physician assistant, registered nurse, or another licensed healthcare practitioner. While it might be legal in some states, it isn’t safe, and we don’t recommend clients perform injections themselves.

Contact Skinovatio Medical Spa Today

From laser hair removal to laser tattoo removal and non-invasive body contouring, our state-of-the-art medical spa has a wide range of treatment options for patients in Chicago, IL and the surrounding areas. At Skinovatio Medical Spa, we provide the top-requested skin and body treatments in the Chicagoland area.

Our highly trained team is fully equipped to provide affordable beauty, skincare, and body treatment packages tailored to your personal needs. Contact us today to learn more about our innovative services or schedule an appointment. We look forward to hearing from you!

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